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NEW Tools & Weaponry Chamber Rendering Comparison

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For those of you familiar with the legacy version of Riddle of the Sphinx, you will recognize this chamber. But what you haven’t seen yet is the difference in the new renderings we’ve been toiling over.

Much of our time is spent bringing the models out of the older 3D application (currently only running on Mac OS 9 on an emulator – still amazed this is possible!), converting geometry, cameras, and even lighting. We are intentionally enhancing camera angles and lighting, even textures, when called for. But we are most excited about the enhanced shadows, ambient light, and richer colors, due in large part to rendering in Strata’s Raydiosity.

Compare below and you will immediately see the difference!


This is the rendering from the original release of ROTS.
This is the rendering from the original release of ROTS.

That is the original. Now, behold the enhanced HD Riddle of the Sphinx: The Awakening rendering…

New enhanced HD rendering from Riddle of the Sphinx: The Awakening
New enhanced HD rendering from Riddle of the Sphinx: The Awakening

And to give you an idea of the new details you will be experiencing in this version, take a look at this…

This close-up of some ancient Egyptian treasures beautifully displays the enhanced “Awakening” version…

Close-up shot of wooden coffer and urn with arrows.
Close-up shot of wooden coffer and urn with arrows.

More updates to come, plus some surprises in this chamber that were not in the original room!

THANK YOU for your support and your patience. We still have more conversions, rendering, and engine work, but it’s coming together and will prove to be an even larger archaeological adventure of the millennia!

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