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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is ROTS DRM or DRM-Free?

    ROTS is currently on Steam, which has it’s own required DRM wrapper. offers DRM-Free games, and we may decide to publish ROTS on (and EPIC) in the future, but we currently have no agreement with them.

    Steam is not going anywhere soon and provides a great service in return for their DRM.
  • Can I delete my photos or saved games?

    We are working on an interface in-game to allow you to delete specific photos and/or saved games, but that has not been released. However, you do have a couple of options available:

    1. In the advanced settings dialog, you have the option of deleting ALL photos or ALL saved games.
    2. (Desktop versions only) You can navigate to the game’s preferences and manually delete the photos or saved games of your choosing.

    To locate your photos and saved games on your computer, follow the instructions below:

    On MAC OS:

    1. Locate your preferences folder (~/[user]/Library/Application Support/com.OldWorldStudios.RiddleoftheSphinx-TheAwakening/)
    2. In this folder you will see your photos and saved games.
    3. Choose the photos and/or saved games you wish to delete and either: a) create a folder and move the selected files to that folder, or b) move them to Trash.

    On Windows OS:

    1. Locate C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\LocalLow\com.OldWorldStudios.RiddleoftheSphinx-TheAwakening\
    2. In this folder you will see your photos and saved games.
    3. Choose the photos and/or saved games you wish to delete and either: a) create a folder and move the selected files to that folder, or b) move them to Recycle Bin.
    If you delete these files, you will lose access to these screenshots and saved games. Please be careful choosing which files you wish to delete. We recommend moving files into a new folder rather than deleting.
  • Is ROTS DRM or DRM-Free?

    ROTS is currently on Steam, which has it’s own required DRM wrapper. offers DRM-Free games, and we may decide to publish ROTS on (and EPIC) in the future, but we currently have no agreement with them.

    Steam is not going anywhere soon and provides a great service in return for their DRM.
  • Can I delete my photos or saved games?

    We are working on an interface in-game to allow you to delete specific photos and/or saved games, but that has not been released. However, you do have a couple of options available:

    1. In the advanced settings dialog, you have the option of deleting ALL photos or ALL saved games.
    2. (Desktop versions only) You can navigate to the game’s preferences and manually delete the photos or saved games of your choosing.

    To locate your photos and saved games on your computer, follow the instructions below:

    On MAC OS:

    1. Locate your preferences folder (~/[user]/Library/Application Support/com.OldWorldStudios.RiddleoftheSphinx-TheAwakening/)
    2. In this folder you will see your photos and saved games.
    3. Choose the photos and/or saved games you wish to delete and either: a) create a folder and move the selected files to that folder, or b) move them to Trash.

    On Windows OS:

    1. Locate C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\LocalLow\com.OldWorldStudios.RiddleoftheSphinx-TheAwakening\
    2. In this folder you will see your photos and saved games.
    3. Choose the photos and/or saved games you wish to delete and either: a) create a folder and move the selected files to that folder, or b) move them to Recycle Bin.
    If you delete these files, you will lose access to these screenshots and saved games. Please be careful choosing which files you wish to delete. We recommend moving files into a new folder rather than deleting.
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